Another take on AI and jobs

Phillip Carter talking about impact of AI on jobs.

A lot of dumbasses in company leadership see AI and salivate at the idea of reducing headcount so “AI can do the work”. This is clearly a fear that a lot of people who earn paychecks for a living have. I have two thoughts on this topic:

Firstly, if you’re a company leader who sees a wave as large as the introduction of the computer coming and your thought is to “use less resources to do the same work”, you’re an uncreative hack and it’s you who deserves to be fired. The goal should be how you can accomplish more when you have cognitive co-processors at your disposal.

Secondly, it is undeniable that a shift will occur and with that there will be damage done. A lot of people are uninterested in learning new skills for work because work is just … work. It’s their means to earn a paycheck so they can do what they actually care about. I won’t judge that behavior because it’s not inherently right or wrong. But I will say that if you don’t want to be caught with your pants down when your workplace does expect you to do more and different things with this technology, there’s no better time than now to start learning how to use it.

The second paragraph is similar to the reasoning of Dustin Ewers, where he argues that AI will create more software jobs rather than eliminate them.

And, this gives me hope.

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