Author: Naveen

  • There’s a new mistake-maker in town

    An insightful article by Bruce Schneier on how humans have built guardrails to manage mistakes made by humans. But we are not equipped to manage the weird mistakes made by AI.

    Humanity is now rapidly integrating a wholly different kind of mistake-maker into society: AI. Technologies like large language models (LLMs) can perform many cognitive tasks traditionally fulfilled by humans, but they make plenty of mistakes. It seems ridiculous when chatbots tell you to eat rocks or add glue to pizza. But it’s not the frequency or severity of AI systems’ mistakes that differentiates them from human mistakes. It’s their weirdness. AI systems do not make mistakes in the same ways that humans do.

    Much of the friction—and risk—associated with our use of AI arise from that difference. We need to invent new security systems that adapt to these differences and prevent harm from AI mistakes.

  • Elon Musk

    For all the hate Elon Musk gets—especially post his Twitter acquisition—there are some real, tangible benefits that he has given to the world. Quentin Stafford-Fraser talks about how he changed the EV space.

    Though he neither founded Tesla nor designed the cars himself, his perseverance, vision, and willingness to spend his cash where others weren’t, has dragged an entire industry, mostly kicking and screaming, into a far better place, both technologically and for the planet.  I remember the shock of traditional car dealers in 2016, trying hard to sell a few more cars at discounts to fill their next quarter’s quota, when it was announced that quarter of a million people had put down a deposit for the recently-announced Model 3: a car they had never even seen.   It took that kind of major eathquake to rattle the enormous global inertia of the fossil-burning world and to kick investment in battery-production up to a whole new level.   I won’t pretend Musk was doing all of this for purely selfless reasons, or that he did it entirely on his own, but many thousands of Greta Thunbergs combined could not dream of having such an impact.  He changed the world.

    Bonus: Quentin Stafford-Fraser created the first webcam.

  • Rule of law

    Jennifer Pahlka explaining rule of law with the inaugration of Donald Trump for the second time.

    In The New York Times a few weeks ago, Stephen E. Hanson and Jeffrey S. Kopstein characterize the incoming administration’s patrimonialism (rule through personal power and patronage) as “an assault on the modern state as we know it.” Noting that Trump won the presidential election fairly, they correctly assess that reversing this assault “will require more than a simple defense of ‘democracy.’ …The threat we face is different, and perhaps even more critical: a world in which the rule of law has given way entirely to the rule of men.”

    I agree. The rule of men is fundamentally inconsistent with the principles and values of our nation, and I do not welcome any nepotism, graft, or abuse of the system for retribution that may be coming our way. But why would half of voters tolerate this? The authors propose that “a slew of self-aggrandizing leaders has taken advantage of rising inequality, cultural conflicts and changing demography to grab power,” suggesting that the rule of law is a hapless casualty of other circumstances. But the principle of a nation governed by laws not men should have been non-negotiable. It should have been a crown jewel of our democracy for which all else could be tolerated. It wasn’t. The crown jewel was tarnished, and unless we understand the nature of that tarnish, we have little hope of returning that jewel to its rightful place.

  • Agentic AI

    Gary Marcus on AI Agents

    I do genuinely think we will all have our own AI agents, and companies will have armies of them. And they will be worth trillions, since eventually (no time soon) they will do a huge fraction of all human knowledge work, and maybe physical labor too. 

    But not this year (or next, or the one after that, and probably not this decade, except in narrow use cases). All that we will have this year are demos.


    And I am hoping it plays out the way Gary is describing it. I get to keep my job a little longer. And build a retirement corpus.

  • Planned obsolescence

    I learned about this term—planned obsolescence—when news broke out that Apple intentionally slowed down their older iPhones. And today I learned that there existed a lightbulb cartel who did this 100 years before Apple.

    The cartel’s grip on the lightbulb market lasted only into the 1930s. Its far more enduring legacy was to engineer a shorter life span for the incandescent lightbulb. By early 1925, this became codified at 1,000 hours for a pear-shaped household bulb, a marked reduction from the 1,500 to 2,000 hours that had previously been common. Cartel members rationalized this approach as a trade-off: Their lightbulbs were of a higher quality, more efficient, and brighter burning than other bulbs. They also cost a lot more. Indeed, all evidence points to the cartel’s being motivated by profits and increased sales, not by what was best for the consumer. In carefully crafting a lightbulb with a relatively short life span, the cartel thus hatched the industrial strategy now known as planned obsolescence.


  • Netflix

    An insightful long read on n+1 by Will Tavlin on Netflix.

    One tag among Netflix’s thirty-six thousand microgenres offers a suitable name for this kind of dreck: “casual viewing.” Usually reserved for breezy network sitcoms, reality television, and nature documentaries, the category describes much of Netflix’s film catalog — movies that go down best when you’re not paying attention, or as the Hollywood Reporter recently described Atlas, a 2024 sci-fi film starring Jennifer Lopez, “another Netflix movie made to half-watch while doing laundry.” A high-gloss product that dissolves into air. Tide Pod cinema.

    It was fascinating for me becuase I have been part of this Netflix’s journey as a subscriber and I didn’t realise that I was doing casual viewing for sometime now.

    That audiences clearly prefer the films of the past has been an inconvenient fact for the streamers who tout themselves as the future of entertainment.

    Another revelation for me. I have been watching reruns or discovering old shows.

    How to predict the audience’s taste — what will make money and what won’t — is a question that’s plagued Hollywood since its inception. The problem was captured by the screenwriter William Goldman in 1983. “Nobody knows anything,” he wrote in his book Adventures in the Screen Trade. “Not one person in the entire motion picture field knows for a certainty what’s going to work.” Netflix’s greatest innovation was that it found a way around this uncertainty: it provided a platform on which there are no failures, where everything works.

    But by insulating their films from failure, the streamers have destroyed the meaning of success. Thierry Frémaux, head of the Cannes Film Festival and a vocal critic of streamers, understood this well when he presented the dilemma at a Cannes press conference in 2021. “What directors have been discovered by [streaming] platforms?” he asked. It wasn’t a rhetorical question. Frémaux began calling on journalists to name an auteur whose career had been launched by a streamer. By this point, Netflix had released more than seven hundred films in the US alone, with hundreds of directors attached. Yet as the Guardian later reported of the scene, “nobody could name any at all, in fact.”


    Five years before the WGA and SAG’s historic overlapping strike, which in part sought to redress the streamers’ elimination of back-end payments, LaPorte concluded what it would take major newspapers and magazines years to report: streaming had brought about “the death of Hollywood’s middle class.”

    And middle class is struggling everywhere.

  • Seven years as shareholder of Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited

    FY 2017-18

    In the early days of my equity investment journey, I was looking for companies to invest in by focusing on those whose products I used. These companies—for me—were familiar, established, and likely to have been in business for a while. That’s how Colgate landed in my portfolio. The initial investment was not significant as I was dipping my toe in the water. 

    FY 2018-19

    I did not make any investments in Colgate this year. But I did receive dividends  on the small investment that I made in the previous year. The dividends—at cost—were impressive, at least impressive than the puny dividends from other companies which never crossed 0.5%.

    FY 2019-20

    If I wanted to earn more dividends, I had to invest more—that was my logic. So, I increased my investment in Colgate, and it paid off. At one point, my XIRR was soaring above 30%. But then, disaster struck—Covid.

    FY 2020-21

    The Covid lockdown caused markets to spiral downward. I—thankfully—was able to keep my job. This enabled me to continue my investment journey in Colgate. The recovery was pretty quick, and by the year-end the returns were decent, though they underperformed all major indices.

    FY 2021-22

    The underperformance from the previous year continued and by the year-end my XIRR was in single digits. I was getting fixed deposit returns. Moreover, I did not make any new investments. 

    FY 2022-23

    The underperformance from the previous year again continued and by the end of the year my XIRR went down further. I wasn’t even beating fixed deposit returns this time around. Despite this, I still had some faith in Colgate and decided to make additional investments.

    FY 2023-24

    This was the resurgence year for Colgate—and for my patience in the stock. The stock moved up and so did my returns. My investment went from XIRR of 4% to 20% by year-end. I was beating most indices and matching some. 

    FY 2024-25 (on going)

    The resurgence from the previous year continued. And for a fleeting moment my investment in Colgate was beating all the major indices. I was looking at an impressive 27% XIRR. And then FII sell off happened. 

    Remember that scene from Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. where Sunil Dutt finds out that Sanjay Dutt is not a doctor.

    Bas Parvati bas! Umar beet jaati hai izzat kamane main. Aur tere bete ne…

    बस पार्वती बस! उमर बीत जाती है इज़्ज़त कमाने मैं। और तेरे बेटे ने…

    Those were my emotions. The decline was so sharp that—when plotted for profit percent—it appeared as a straight line.

    And that’s how my journey has been so far. Hoping to stay invested for one more year and write again about this next year.

  • Jevons Paradox

    I bought the highly praised book The Ministry for the Future. Unfortunately. I couldn’t complete it, gave up half way. The book has so much exposition that at times I forgot where the story was and who were the characters.

    But there was one paradox mentioned in the book that caught my attention.

    Jevons Paradox proposes that increases in efficiency in the use of a resource lead to an overall increase in the use of that resource, not a decrease. William Stanley Jevons, writing in 1865, was referring to the history of the use of coal; once the Watt engine was introduced, which greatly increased the efficiency of coal burning as energy creation, the use of coal grew far beyond the initial reduction in the amount needed for the activity that existed before the time of the improvement.

    The rebound effect of this paradox can be mitigated only by adding other factors to the uptake of the more efficient method, such as requirements for reinvestment, taxes, and regulations. So they say in economics texts.

    The paradox is visible in the history of technological improvements of all kinds. Better car miles per gallon, more miles driven. Faster computer times, more time spent on computers. And so on ad infinitum.

  • Overton window

    This post by Chinmay Karande on Threads brought my attention to the Overtun window

    But the catch: Without the progressives still fighting those (then seemingly hopeless) fights 20 years ago, the progress on those issues today’s wouldn’t happen. Playing for progress and losing, still moves the Overton window, which is a pre-requisite for any actual change.

    To progressives, this must feel bleak, a thankless job. But it is how it is. Assuming their cause has timeless merit, someday they will win if they sign up to lose till then.

    The Week explains the Overtun window.

    The concept is used to describe the range of ideas that voters find acceptable and “outside which lie political exile or pariahdom”, explains Politico.

    The theory is that politicians are limited in what policies they can support as they risk losing voters if they pursue ideas that are not seen as legitimate options by society.

    “Politicians respond to the public’s definition of the window, not the other way around,” it says.

    As Lehman explains, politicians are “in the business of detecting where the window is, and then moving to be in accordance with it”.

  • What is RSS feed? Which RSS reader to use? Why I use RSS? Why should you use RSS?

    Ok, those are a lot of questions. But in the age of fifteen seconds Instagram reels those are still a lot of questions. Let’s answer them one by one.

    What is RSS feed?

    You can Google the above query to understand what is RSS feed. But in the age of generative AI who wants to do that. So let me dump the explanation that ChatGPT gave right here
