Five years as shareholder of Motherson Sumi [and Wiring]

With the general consensus of 10 years being long term, I am now half way through as a long term shareholder of Motherson Sumi. Below are my key takeaways.

  • I have invested 6 times across these five years.
  • It has been a roller coaster ride with this stock because when I first invested in the company, the share price was already at its peak. And then the share price started its downfall.
  • During the COVID-19 market crash my XIRR went from an already negative 15% to negative 45%. Ouch!
  • The company very recently demerged its wiring business in a separate entity as Montherson Sumi Wiring. With the demerger I got 1 share of Motherson Sumi Wiring for every share of Motherson Sumi Systems. I am including that also in my calculations. Hopefully this demerger should unlock value like it did in the case of my investment in Greenply.
  • After four years of negative XIRR, last year I finally saw it go positive. Yay! But the Russian invasion of Ukraine pulled it down. Ouch! And the listing of demerged Motherson Sumi Wiring pulled it up again. Yay!
  • My investment in Motherson Sumi has not been able to beat the index fund. Hoping to beat it in the next five years. 🤞




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