My journey with Axis Bluechip Fund completed four years and continues onto the fifth. One key thing that happened during the last year was the Axis MF front running case and subsequent barring of 21 entities from the capital markets. And with that I also learnt about what is front running.
Is this a regular or a direct plan? It’s both. I started with a regular plan with help of MFD and then from Sep-2022 I started investing in the direct plan as well. The charts below are for both of them combined. Regular plan holds 86% of my investment while the direct plan holds the remaining 14%.
Did I beat the Nifty 50 Index? No. Since last one and half years, my investment has underperformed the Nifty 50 Index and the performance gap seems to be getting larger.
Am I going to continue investing in it? Yes, at least for next one year via the SIP route.
Did I make any lumpsum purchases in-between? No
Am I worried about the front running case? Yes. But with SEBI and Axis MF acting on it I have decided to continue.
Investment through the years

